FAQs - Craftproducers | Exhibitor Site
PO Box 300, Charlotte, VT 05445


Contact Us

The office phone number for Craftproducers and Empire State Wine Events is 802.489.6650. Email addresses are info@craftproducers.com and info@empirestatewineevents.com. The exhibitor websites are craftproducers.com and empirestatewineevents.com. The mailing address for both is PO Box 300, Charlotte, VT 05445.  


Fill out the online application(s) to request shows, booth sizes, and to indicate whether you want corners, interior or perimeter spaces, and/or extra electricity. We try to accommodate your requests, but, due to demand, this is not always possible. Limited corners are available at a premium cost. If you have been assigned a corner, it…
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Juried Show Standards

We seek original work that is well-designed and fabricated. No sales representatives: we want you intimately involved in displaying and selling your work at our fairs. (A bona fide employee knowledgeable about your production is acceptable.) No kits or imports are allowed. No buy/sell items are allowed. If we discover any buy/sell work at an…
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When applying for a juried show, you need to send images or your work, one of your booth setup, and, starting in 2022, one of you in your studio making or designing your products. Please email images to info@craftproducers.com in JPG format, at a fairly high resolution (4×5 at 300dpi is suitable). Images may be…
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Deposit and Application Fee

Included with your application, you must enclose a single deposit of $150, regardless of the number of shows you are applying for. This deposit is required to secure your spot in one or more shows for the year. Your deposit will be applied to your last show of the year.

Initial Application Deadline

All applications postmarked by January 15 will be considered for the first round of acceptances, both for juried and non-juried shows. If there are any spaces open after that, acceptance will be on a first-come, first-served basis. If you put a checkmark next to a show on our application form, we consider that mark your…
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Discounts and Specialty Food Pricing

Specialty Food Exhibitors receive an ongoing discounted price for the Stowe Arts Festival. Please note that this discount does not apply to the outdoor festivals and marketplaces, namely, Lake George Art and Craft and Southern Vermont Art and Craft Festivals, since those booth fees are already significantly discounted.

Payments and Fees

You may pay by cash, check, post dated checks, or credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express). Late payment will result in a $25 late fee. Your $150 deposit will be credited toward your last show of the year. Our payment plan is very flexible. If you are having trouble meeting a deadline, just…
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Notification and Cancellation, Insurance & Contracts, Sales Tax

NOTIFICATION We will send out acceptance information along with your invoice by February 16. If you cancel a show after this date, there will be a cancellation fee of $150. This amount is not refundable. Partial refunds of your full booth fee may be given based on when your cancellation is received and if we…
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Finder’s Bonus

Spread the word! If we accept a new exhibitor you have referred to any show, we will reward your support with a finder’s credit of $50 which will be applied as a credit to the last show on your invoice. This referral must be indicated on the new exhibitor’s application or the new exhibitor must…
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