Whatever it takes, we do. We spend the money. We advertise. Our ads are classy and visually pop out on the printed and online page. We make creative radio ads that spread the message. Our television ads showcase actual exhibitors. We develop and use a mailing list. We have individual websites for each show with an Exhibitor Listing page that includes a photo of your work and link to your website or social media page. Visitors to our sites will be able to find you on our sites throughout the year and until the following January when our new season begins.
We are developing Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram pages for each show as we continue to employ social media to target your customers. Note that, as of 2022, we will no longer display any email addresses on our sites for security reasons in order to protect you. We will display one URL for you, prioritizing them by website, Facebook, Etsy, Instagram, Twitter. If you prefer we display a different URL for you, just let us know.
How can we work together? The information you provide in your application regarding process and awards will help us highlight you on our platforms. ALSO, we would like to make a big push toward including more video of exhibitors working in their studios. To this end, all you need do is take some video on your phone (does not need to be professional) and get it to us (by google drive or other way that works for you) so we can add it to Youtube and Link it to our Websites. Reach out and work with us on these efforts!